Pigeon Planner 4.0
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Open-source software designed specifically for racing pigeon enthusiasts. It provides a user-friendly interface that allows users to organize their pigeons effortlessly. By entering all the necessary details of their pigeons, calculate pedigrees and identify relatives accurately.
Pigeon Planner is free and open-source racing pigeon software. The goal is to be a simple, yet powerful pigeon organizer. Enter your pigeons with all of their details in the user friendly interface and let the program calculate the pedigree and relatives.
Comments (2)
I have some insight into the decisions required to deciding about layout because some years ago I wrote something similar for Amiga. Here the layout and options are first class.
Have already noticed: Pedigree saving/printing, Comments in the Individual Bird entries, Photo for each bird, Individual Nest box/laid date etc. records.
Highly recommended